Builder™ is an interactive, intuitive, and easy-to-use interface which enables quick and efficient design and preparation of simulation models for all CMG simulators.
Efficient Data Integration for Simulations
Quickly and efficiently incorporate all required data to build a simulation model with built-in wizards and workflows to organize data the way an engineer expects and allows users to remain focused on reservoir engineering, rather than keyword syntax.
Geostatistical 3D Geomodeling from Well Data
- Create 3D geomodels using contour maps and zone thickness maps.
- Use well logs and core data with the geostatistical module for property distribution calculations.

Efficient Wizard for Simulation Models
Builder’s guided task-based advanced process wizards helps users to build complex simulation models, enabling fast and efficient comparisons of different recovery processes. Builder has easy step-by-step data input for:
- Unconventional reservoirs (shale gas, hydraulic fractures & coal bed methane)
- Chemical EOR (foamy oil, ASP injection, low salinity waterflooding)
- Geomechanics, geomodelling, and geostatistics
- In situ combustion
- Asphaltene precipitation
Streamlined Reservoir Data Processing and Analysis
- Import or create geological models, reservoir property distributions, PVT models, injection/production history, well trajectories, well completions, and hydraulic fracture data.
- Utilize the grid-editing tool to perform refinements, sub-model extraction, upscaling, and grid splitting.
- Use correlations to generate data for relative permeability and PVT.
- Convert datasets from IMEX™ to STARS™ or GEM™ to model complex recovery processes.
- Define and edit properties for any sector or region of a reservoir.
- Intuitive well planning and field development tools for pattern-based or horizontal well drilling, defining group and cyclic well controls, and more.
- Quality check input from geostatistical data to assess model quality and to revise correlations between permeability, porosity, and water saturation.

- User-friendly advanced process wizards and workflows.
- Quickly organize complex data into simulation input format.
- Increase data integration and workflow management using Builder and Results.
- Automatically quality check and convert data during imports.
- Easily navigate multi-million grid cell models.
Key Features
- Easily import and display DFNs from *.FAB files.
- Specify bi-directional permeability gradients.
- Place hydraulic factures in first level refinement and generate LGRs using planar fracture templates.
- Use the new CCS process wizard for guided tasks which aid data input.
- Create fracture permeability distributions to transform fractures into elliptical-shapes.
Related Resources
Take your technical skills from the classroom to your workplace
Builder™ is an interactive, intuitive, and easy-to-use interface which enables quick and efficient design and preparation of simulation models for all CMG simulators.