
Reduce Economic Risk through Accurate lab to field scale Chemical EOR Simulation



Do you know how to model the complex Alkaline/Surfactant/Polymer (ASP) chemical EOR (cEOR) process to maximize production from your reservoirs? ASP’s ability to increase oil recovery by improving the sweep efficiency and reducing residual oil saturation in the reservoir is extremely valuable. However, the complexity of the process requires significant planning before the process can be carried out in the field. The new ASP process wizard in GEM, our Equation-of-State (EoS) compositional simulator, allows users to easily set up an ASP process in their reservoir.

This webinar shows how to use CMG’s ASP process wizard to plan and set up an ASP process in a reservoir, easily and accurately. Learn how to build an ASP dataset, match ASP coreflood data, upscale to a field-scale model with all the important ASP mechanisms being modelled, plus:

  • Saponification and salinity gradient optimization
  • Micro-emulsion viscosity
  • IFT Reduction and corresponding relative permeability effect
  • Geochemistry
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